Meet Jill Cunningham
Hi, I’m Jill Cunningham, and I am a certified Master Channel trained by Betsy-Morgan Coffman.
Channeling came naturally to me, and I was feeling good enough about my skill to sign up for a master channeling class. During that class, there happened to be a lot of new moon energy going on. You may know this energy makes it possible to take big leaps ahead in your ascension journey, and for once, I got caught up in that wave of light. Everything changed…
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High Vibe Energy Activation For Anxiety
Clear dense energy out of your auric fields and relieve your anxiety with this energy activation channeled from Source.
I found Jill to be “The Real Thing!” When she first declared to me what she could do, I silently thought, “Oh, yeah. Right.” But! I was blown away. She immediately gave me a short session, as we were already together, enjoying channeling for each other anyway. She ~ and her awesome guides ~ DID lift my frequency and the sensation was physically and emotionally FELT by me. The “high” lasted 24 hours. I did “come down” but, not to where I was before. I remain higher than before our session. I see it in many ways. One way, that I first think of, is = I find that I respond to the challenges of life better with less emotional attachment. The temptation is still there…but, I am conscious of it…and I choose wisely. Thank you, Jill. Your work is WONDERFUL. What a contribution to the world you are! Love you!
I wish to thank you Jill for serving at such a high level.
By doing one call/session I have been able to give my clients quicker, more vivid psychic readings. Jill, thank you so much for sharing your gift.
I appreciate all that you share in your videos – so loving! God’s light comes through you!
Thank you Jill, I love the energy I feel in these sessions! I’m very grateful you offer this to us.
I am so very grateful for you sharing these beautiful transmissions with us!