Ascension Events
Ascension Events
What is an Ascension Event?
I have come to specialize in what I call “ascension events.” If you have been working on raising your energy frequency, this may be for you.
This is an extremely powerful event. Honestly, it is difficult to put into words. A small version of this, an anchoring of your energy in the fifth dimension, is available on my YouTube channel.
Following is a description of this type of event, channeled from Source:
An ascension event, as you call it, is something for an awakened being who has been walking the path of ascension, who has been doing the work to raise their own vibration and to clear out any lower vibrational energy in their auric fields. If their physical body is prepared by the work they have done they can be given a gift of ascension into the next dimension from where they currently reside. They may be vibrating at a frequency of the sixth dimension, for instance, and during this ascension event, if ready, they would receive energetic downloads from Source, God, All That Is, The Divine I Am, which will raise their vibration. During the event we will move with them to the next dimension, in this example the seventh dimension. This is a life-altering change, a vast change, and can set someone dramatically further ahead on their ascension journey. This is again something that must be wanted, it must be the intention of the person undergoing this event to move up, to increase their frequency, for if their free will is to stay in their current vibration they will not be able to maintain the higher energy. Even if they tell themselves they want the higher vibration, but they choose to continue to live in lower vibrational thought patterns and energies, they will not be able to maintain the higher vibration. It is time to put away drama. To step back and ease your burden. Look at the events in your life from an eternal perspective. Choose the response of love over fear. If you can catch yourself reacting with fear and choose to change your reaction to love, you will indeed be able to continue to increase your frequency. But you must walk your divine path. This is the time. In this ascension, you will be asked to start living your highest divine path rather than seeking your highest divine path. If you are going to make a choice to do this you will indeed be ascended and stay ascended and continue to move up. It is your choice.
This is an event for someone who is serious about ascension, who understands what ascension means and has studied it and worked with their guides. This is available to all. It is not a secret, it is not for only a few. Anyone can start down their ascension path. But before you can receive a big boost of energy you need to prepare your body by clearing out dense energies and by transmuting anything heavy and not serving you.
Featured Ascension Event
Watch a smaller version, an anchoring of your energy in the fifth dimension, of our extremely powerful event below.
I found Jill to be “The Real Thing!” When she first declared to me what she could do, I silently thought, “Oh, yeah. Right.” But! I was blown away. She immediately gave me a short session, as we were already together, enjoying channeling for each other anyway. She ~ and her awesome guides ~ DID lift my frequency and the sensation was physically and emotionally FELT by me. The “high” lasted 24 hours. I did “come down” but, not to where I was before. I remain higher than before our session. I see it in many ways. One way, that I first think of, is = I find that I respond to the challenges of life better with less emotional attachment. The temptation is still there…but, I am conscious of it…and I choose wisely. Thank you, Jill. Your work is WONDERFUL. What a contribution to the world you are! Love you!
I wish to thank you Jill for serving at such a high level.
By doing one call/session I have been able to give my clients quicker, more vivid psychic readings. Jill, thank you so much for sharing your gift.
I appreciate all that you share in your videos – so loving! God’s light comes through you!
Thank you Jill, I love the energy I feel in these sessions! I’m very grateful you offer this to us.
I am so very grateful for you sharing these beautiful transmissions with us!